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Mystic * Muse * Mentor

KamalaDevi McClure is a genderqueer, polysexual, and art activist who has authored seven books on sacred sexuality.

They’ve starred on Showtime’s reality TV series, Polyamory: Married & Dating, and been featured on Dr. Drew, Tyra Banks, and the award-winning documentary, Sex Magic.

They’ve been teaching tantra, sacred sexuality, and temple arts around the world for the last 20 years. KD is a lead facilitaotr with ISTA and currently lives by the ocean with their husband and teenage son in San Diego.

Personal Note:

My preferred pronouns are they/them and I love being called my full name
“KamalaDevi,” but if that’s too much of a mouthful, you can call me KD. I take pleasure in nature, dance,
vegan foods, snuggling and performance art. My ultimate turn-on is penetrating conversation. My body is not just a temple, but an integrated expression of my soul. I use my words and sound to stimulate and heal myself and others. I’m also a deep listener, love silence, touch, and laughter. I look forward to our next deep dive together!

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I promise to respect your privacy and send you no more than 2 emails on the full moon and new moon of each month!

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